Saturday, November 6, 2010

Appeal to Spite

Appeal to spite is a very controversial yet powerful method that people use to sway others emotions. The book states that appeal to spite is a “hope for revenge”. I feel that appeal to spite is very controversial because it is solely based on emotion yet it is so common. For example, one of my friends (let’s say Jane) didn’t go to a party for my other friend (John), When Jane wanted John to help her with homework, John refused because he felt that Jane wasn’t being a good friend. I feel that appeal to spite is a very accepted practice especially in America. There are countless of action movies that base themselves on this principal. It is generally an accepted practice in our culture to take revenge. The book states that the principal invokes “two wrongs make a right.” I feel like appeal to spite is an effective way to invoke a strong argument, yet it is hard to distinguish whether it may be plausible.

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