Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bad Appeal to Common Belief

One concept in the class that we have covered so far that needs further discussion is bad appeal to common belief. The book states that bad appeal to common belief is “It’s usually a mistake to accept a claim as true solely because a lot of other people believe it to. What the book didn’t cover is exactly what triggers a person to reason that way. I would say that bad appeal to common belief is basically relates to the old saying “If s/he jumped off a bridge, would you do it to?” That’s the question people should ask themselves when they reason about common beliefs. If I join this cult maybe I could be a part of something special. For example, I used Ku Klux Klan in my pasts blogs. A very descriptive website was This website was very helpful because it gave a description, an example, and it discussed the concept as well as gave it a classification.

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