Friday, October 22, 2010

Chapter 8

What I have learned from Chapter 8 is a direct way of reasoning implemented with general claim words such as no, all, only, and some. These words can be used differently depending on the argument. All would be used to effectively direct reason. For example, all basketball players are quick, George is a basketball player, so George is quick. Direct way of reasoning creates valid arguments. The general claim words such as no, all, only and some could all be used to create valid arguments as well. Another example would be no dogs eat cats, chip is a dog, so he doesn’t eat cats. An example of only would be only the strongest survive, Chris is the strongest, therefore he survives. These words are used to designate the direction in which your argument is heading. It is important to use the right word so you are not misunderstood and your argument is coherent.

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