Thursday, December 9, 2010


I would like to talk about to concepts that have stuck with me throughout my entire semester. One would be the strawman fallacy and calling in your debts. One of the reasons why these stuck with me is because they both have really distinct titles. The strawman fallacy could also be an analogy to how fake or how false the statement is. The strawman is basically when you restate someone’s argument and modify it to sound fallacious or weaker. It is basically putting words in someone’s mouth. This argument stuck to me because it is such a common example that occurs during everyday life. Another example that is very common is calling in your debts. This is an effective device to sway emotion and get people to do certain things. This is what I liked about the concepts that I learned in class. I was able to relate them to everyday life and this is what made it a little easier to understand.

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